Premix of natural essential oils and highly bioavailable organic minerals to improve appetite and maximise animal growth.
Type: P (Powder)
Packing: 10 KG

Mixture based on organic acids, monoglycerides of organic acids, plant extracts and betaine. Its ingredients have antimicrobial activity, immune system enhancement activity, antioxidant and hepatopancreas protection, and help improve intestinal health. All these effects add up to promote the growth and productive performance of the animals.
Concentrated mixture based on organic acids, monoglycerides of organic acids, plant extracts and betaine. Its ingredients have antimicrobial activity, immune system enhancement activity, antioxidant and hepatopancreas protection, and help improve intestinal health. All these effects add up to promote the growth and productive performance of the animals.
Mixture of essential oils and deodorized sodium butyrate to reduce odor and improve handling, and partially protected with vegetable oil to allow a wider range of action, from the stomach to the intestine. Minimum content of 70 % of active ingredient.